digital projects

In March 2020 with the pandemic and lockdowns Bloomin’ Arts went digital, running art, drama and dance sessions on Zoom. As we began to come back into our workshop some stayed at home so we moved to Zoom in the room, an innovative hybrid approach. Did it stop us working towards performances and exhibitions? Absolutely not, in fact it led to a buzz of creativity with participants developing ideas to share with the world.

Happily we are now creating physical new performances to bring to our audiences and continue to develop a digital element.

Here we celebrate those inspirational digital projects and moments.

Watch and enjoy.

Bloomin’ Arts T.V Show

The Create It! group did it all! From Zoom to Zoom in a room they have created dance, art and storytelling pieces and brought it all together as their own unique T.V art show.

The Tempest

Undaunted by incredible changes in circumstances, the Bloomin’ Arts Theatre Company threw themselves into the new technological creative space that was Zoom. Adapting themselves to filming they took on the challenge of producing a Zoom filmed version of The Tempest.

IPA Audio Drama

Miles can’t find the right assistant for his personal needs. Lockdowns have made life incredibly hard.
Dr Wade and his holiday island promises that those needs can be completely met - 100% Covid safe.  “We provide perfect assistance for your perfect getaway”.  It sounds too good to be true…A fun, fast paced production that you can listen to.

Bloomin’ Arts Dance Company

The dance company learnt street dance style through 3 different routines shown in this video. All done during the gradual easing of covid restrictions.

World Of Colour

A virtual exhibition by the Create It! group - our Surrey Open Art Studios 2021 exhibition online.

Walk into the gallery and look around. Click on the exhibits and find out more about the pieces and
the artists.